• (719) 445-9253
  • peakalliance.co@gmail.com
  • Colorado Springs, CO

Sustainability In Progress


Colorado Clean Energy Legislation- Colorado Energy Office Learn about current and upcoming legislation that will impact greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency, zero emission vehicles and consumer energy costs from Chris Piper, Director of Legislative Affairs at the Colorado Energy Office. This presentation will be recorded and available on Studio 809’s Peak Environment Podcast. Please allow for two to three weeks...

Sustainability in Progress


March Sustainability in Progress (SIP)   What: A monthly speaker series that highlights efforts to advance the regional sustainability plan. When: Wednesday, March 20, from 12:00 - 1:00 PM Where: Online. Register here to get the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsdu2ppzIqE9e6i0Ygfi7oex6mAUi_5BlX#/registration After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Who: This event is open to the...


Sustainability in Progress


Sustainability in Progress Aug 21, 2024     12pm - 1pm via Zoom Life Happens. Be Ready. In these trying times, we could all benefit from free training in effective coping to build our collective grit. The GRIT Program offers training in a brief conversational intervention that is used to support effective coping for those in your natural social network. The program...


Sustainability in Progress


How Concrete Couch has contributed to increasing interest and engagement in the arts and sustainability in Colorado Springs. Concrete Couch is a nonprofit that works with kids and community groups to create public art, build community, and create environments and experiences that humanize our world. Stay tuned for details!


Sustainability in Progress


Title: Shifting the Status Quo of Development  There is a divide among sustainability advocates concerning urban development. At a glance, it may seem that halting all development would be beneficial. However, John urges us to look beyond the surface and consider the implications of how we develop our cities, as well as the potential consequences of stopping development altogether. He...


Sustainability in Progress


Title - The COS Creek Plan: Dramatic Changes for Monument and Fountain Creeks Learn about the comprehensive vision for future investments and stewardship, with a focus on downtown Colorado Springs. We’ll hear from Chris Lieber, COO for Pikes Peak Waterways, Principal at N.E.S. Inc. and Chair of the Downtown Development Authority. The COS Creek Plan establishes a comprehensive vision for the...


Sustainability in Progress

Connecting Colorado with the Outdoors - Great Outdoors Colorado and Generation Wild Get an update on exciting Great Outdoors Colorado investments and work statewide, from Christopher Aaby, the Generation Wild Program Officer with GOCO. Great Outdoors Colorado invests a portion of the Colorado Lottery proceeds through competitive grants open to local governments and land trusts in Colorado. GOCO just released...
