• (719) 445-9253
  • peakalliance.co@gmail.com
  • Colorado Springs, CO

Sustainability in Progress

Connecting Colorado with the Outdoors - Great Outdoors Colorado and Generation Wild Get an update on exciting Great Outdoors Colorado investments and work statewide, from Christopher Aaby, the Generation Wild Program Officer with GOCO. Great Outdoors Colorado invests a portion of the Colorado Lottery proceeds through competitive grants open to local governments and land trusts in Colorado. GOCO just released...


Sustainability in Progress

Fountain Creek Nature Center 320 Peppergrass Lane, Fountain, CO, United States

Save the Date! Details coming soon! This will be a hybrid event, with both in person and virtual options. Ms Alli Shuch, Executive Director of the Fountain Creek Watershed District, and Jim O'Donnell, author of "Fountain Creek: Big Lessons from a Little River" (2024) will present a panel discussion about Fountain Creek.  Collaborators and partners will be tabling at the...
